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wtijsma - 4/25/2005 9:38:25 AM
File Handling
Hi Petr,

About the attachments functionality:

I've implemented this in our version using the full AliasPath for an attachment (also making a cms.file a friendly url aware document type).
This means the file isn't accessible through the ParentPath+filename.

I've also changed the TreeNode not to replace dots with _, so the path is almost the same, with some exceptions.

Would it be possible to take this into account for future development, I would also think it is somewhat more logical to always access a document through it's full aliaspath, in your case the cms.file's alias isn't used.

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admin - 4/26/2005 6:48:56 AM
Re: File Handling
Hi Wiebe,

Thank you for your post. Have you changed the URL Rewriting engine?

Regarding the replacements of dots with _ : We used this replacement to avoid problems in case the file name contains more than one dot. We could add some web.config parameter to make this optional.

Best Regards,

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wtijsma - 4/26/2005 9:24:35 AM
Re: File Handling
Hi Petr,

No, I've inserted the file retrieval code after the Url Rewriting engine in Global_asax.Application_BeginRequest.

It currently all works well, but I have to modify some parts of your code at every update.

Thank you, Wiebe

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wahid - 5/19/2005 8:10:42 AM
Re: File Handling
Hi guys,

When displaying links to cms.files, I have used the idpath and the SearchResultRedirect.aspx?idpath= to display the file.
Is it what you're talking about Wiebe?


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wtijsma - 5/19/2005 1:13:47 PM
Re: File Handling
Hi Wahid,

No, in the Kentico Setup, when using the GetFile.aspx, it retrieves a file by using this syntax:{ParentAliasPath}/{FileName}

I've implemented it though using this syntax:{AliasPath}/

So it's completely independent of the original filename.
I had to enable the 'FriendlyUrls' property for the CMS file as well.