11/17/2005 5:24:27 AM
new CMS Document Type and CMSEditModeButtons
I’m just in the middle of creating some Application CMS Document Templates, one called Notice Board.
I followed the wizard through and created all the fields I needed etc.
I then copied the Product Page Template and called it NoticeBoard.aspx and changed the cms namespace to match. In the NoticeBoard cms options I selected NoticeBoard as an allowed child template.
I got all this working, but when I add a new page using the NoticeBoard template and click New on it in cmsdesk I don’t get the NoticeBoard option (only news, products etc.).
I did create this page by copying a sample News link and changing the page template to NoticeBoard. Because when I clicked new on the root, the NoticeBoard page template didn’t appear (only Article, Folder, Newsletter container and Page (menu item)).
Can you give me some guidance on where to go from here?
Following on from this…I added this to the NoticeBoard.aspx page template:
<cc1:CMSEditModeButtons id="CMSEditModeButtons2" runat="server" DisplayDeleteButton="False" DisplayEditButton="False" DisplayPropertiesButton="False" Description="Add Notice Board item:" SelectedNodeClassName="cms.NoticeBoard"></cc1:CMSEditModeButtons>
But when I hit the page created with that page template it doesn’t show…I’ve added some static text and refreshed and that shows fine.
I also added a repeater (like the news one) and manually added a row to the table in the database and no results are showing.
<cc1:cmsrepeater id="NoticeBoardRepeater" runat="server" SelectNodesOrderBy="NoticeBoardId DESC" SelectNodesClassName="cms.NoticeBoard" SelectNodesPathType="AliasPath" TransformationName="cms.NoticeBoard.default" SelectNodesPath="/NoticeBoard/%"></cc1:cmsrepeater>