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astajl - 12/7/2005 8:12:00 AM
Question: URL
Question 1:
I want to ask about how to remove the ".aspx" extension from the url. I modify web.config
<add key="CMSFriendlyURLStyle" value="" />
<add key="CMSUseFriendlyURLs" value="true" />
But the following link returns HTTP 404 error:

Question 2:
From the Sample Solution, there is a Product A1 under Catergory A. If we send the link to someone, then after that we move Product A1 under Catergory B. Can that guy use the previous link to access Product A1?

The idea behind the question is about the permanent access url

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Antony - 12/7/2005 8:42:00 AM
Re: Question: URL

Answer 1:
Probably, you should include following lines into your web.config file:

<add key="CMSFriendlyURLStyle" value="" />
<add key="CMSGenerateFriendlyUrlFiles" value="true" />

You also can read about this in Developer's guide, see Appendix F - Configuration of Friendly URLs (URL Rewriting).

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astajl - 12/7/2005 9:05:35 AM
Re: Question: URL
Question 1:
Problem remains for following setting
<add key="CMSFriendlyURLStyle" value="" />
<add key="CMSUseFriendlyURLs" value="true" />
<add key="CMSGenerateFriendlyUrlFiles" value="true" />

Result: HTTP 404 error, IIS

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Antony - 12/7/2005 9:48:06 AM
Re: Question: URL
If CMSGenerateFriendlyUrlFiles option is on, the CMS creates folders for every new page you create. For example, I created Home page in root level and Page1 in the next level.
Now, I have a structure in my file system as follows:

wwwroot > Home > default.aspx
wwwroot > Home > Page1 > default.aspx
wwwroot > [Other Kentico files]

So, if you use ".aspx" style and then switch to "empty" style, you have to create your own folder structure in website directory manualy.
However, there may be some tool to do this for you. I don't know.

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astajl - 12/7/2005 10:03:04 AM
Re: Question: URL
Yes, you are right.
But it's trouble if we have to create manually, esp we support multilingual.

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astajl - 12/8/2005 8:49:47 AM
Re: Question: URL
I found that if I config as the following:
<add key="CMSGenerateFriendlyUrlFiles" value="true" />

The CMS system would generate a folder dummy files only if I use the cmsdesk to create new documents. That is, if I use SQLImpoart Widzard to do so, then nothing would be generated.

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admin - 12/8/2005 4:04:06 PM
Re: Question: URL

the SQLImport utility creates the files for "friendly URLs" automatically in the path specified in the CMSWebDiskPath parameter in your sqlimport.exe.config file.

If you're using multilingual support, the files may be created under <webproject>\en-us folder for example as the import utility doesn't recognize if you're using multilingual support or not.

I hope this helps.

Best Regards,

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astajl - 12/9/2005 7:30:11 AM
Re: Question: URL
How about the other question?

From the Sample Solution, there is a Product A1 under Catergory A. If we send the link to someone, then after that we move Product A1 under Catergory B. Can that guy use the previous link to access Product A1?

The idea behind the question is about the permanent access url
Actually the search function is a bit similar to this concept.

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admin - 12/20/2005 4:13:43 PM
Re: Question: URL

Unfortunately, this option is not supported at this moment. However, you could create a simple redirection page "permalink.aspx" that would receive the NodeID as a parameter and redirect the user to the appropriate friendly URL. Then, you could send the link, such as "" to some other user.

Best Regards,