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norashlea - 2/19/2006 8:34:36 AM
BizForms auto email
I need some help in modifying the default functionality for BizForm data that is accessible via Tools|BizForms in CMSDesk. I need to prevent the Email that is automatically sent if the user goes to (in CMS Desk) Tools|BizForms|View Data|View, and then clicks OK to close the pop-up form (which displays the recorded information for the entry). I also want to be able to edit the entry on accessing it subsequently.

I will explain the background to the situation as briefly and clearly as possible, if you need to understand the reason for my request:

1. My client is new to being able to manage content and data via a CMS. His existing site submits requests for various reports via email, and he then re-keys the emailed information into his own desktop CRM (Customer Relationship Management) application. His CRM application, of course, includes much more functionality for administering and monitoring his clients/customers than CMSDesk includes in a default installation, and he decided that he wanted to continue using this CRM software for that purpose. We've agreed that at a later time, and as another separate project, I will look at the possibility of exporting the data that is recorded in the relevant tables for CMS Desk directly into his CRM system, to avoid having to re-key information.
2. My client also has a Newsletter that he takes online subscriptions for, and so I initially incorporated this by using the standard Newsletter module. This gives him the functionality of automatic distribution of Newsletters, which was one of the "selling features" for me winning the contract over other developers.
3. Initially, we agreed that he would use the standard BizForms functionality to create the online emailing forms, as and when he needed them, as well as the standard Newsletter module functionality.
4. My client has since realized that he needs to include some additional information in the emails that are sent in response to either the BizForms submissions or Newsletter submissions, and that in particular he wants additional information recorded for Newsletter submissions. So I have now successfully incorporated my own customized User control for online forms and for Newsletter subscriptions. I'm able to use it for any of the BizForms table data that are created (via BizForm through CMSDesk), as well as for Newsletter subscriptions. He understands that it is a sort of "administration hack", and that if he needs any online forms created using CMS Desk, but wants the same functionality that has been build into the User control I've developed, he has to follow slightly out-of-the-normal steps to do it (ie, (1) he creates the BizForm, with exactly the same fieldnames as the other BizForms that have previously been created, (2) when he creates the page to display the form, he has to insert the User control, and not the BizForm control).



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admin - 2/19/2006 10:02:03 AM
Re: BizForms auto email
Hi Sharon,

Thank you for your post. I guess you wanted to write BizForms|View Data|Edit, right? If so, we could switch off sending e-mails from this dialog in 1.8c update that is planned for next week. Is this what you need?

Thank you.

Best Regards,

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norashlea - 2/19/2006 10:06:01 AM
Re: BizForms auto email
Yes yes, without taking the time to dig too deeply into how BizForms|View Data|Edit is functioning, this sounds like what I need.

1.8c is due next week? Thanks. Will upgrade the project as soon as it's released.

Thanks for such a prompt reply.


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admin - 2/20/2006 8:57:10 AM
Re: BizForms auto email
Well, we would like to release 1.8c this week, but I can't promise this to you.

Best Regards,

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norashlea - 2/20/2006 9:08:55 PM
Re: BizForms auto email
Sounds like it will be released soon, though, and this project is still a few weeks away from going live. Will wait and see if the upgrade resolves the problem for me.
