Installation and deployment
Version 2.x > Installation and deployment > Bread Crumbs View modes: 
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nas_ha - 8/27/2007 12:59:41 PM
Bread Crumbs
Hi all ,

I have the (Version: 2.2 Build: 2.2.2716) of KENTICO the old is 2.1e>.

The (Bread Crumbs) navigation work correctly but in the new version you must select document (Show in navigation) to view path.
how can I solve the problem.


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kentico_vitaja - 8/27/2007 2:31:29 PM
RE:Bread Crumbs
I'm not sure if I do understand your question correctly - could you please be more specific?

In order to display your document in Breadcrumbs navigation there must be "Show in navigation" set to true. Default setting for new document in latest version of KenticoCMS for "Show in navigation" option is true, therefore it should be visible in your navigation.

Best regards,
Vita Janecek

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nas_ha - 8/27/2007 2:48:50 PM
RE:Bread Crumbs
Many thanks for your reply.

Default setting for new document in latest version of KenticoCMS for "Show in navigation" option is true.

I know the problem not her.

In Version 2.1e the navigation (BreadCrumbs) work if ("Show in navigation" option) is true or false.

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kentico_vitaja - 8/27/2007 4:14:19 PM
RE:Bread Crumbs

you are right about 2.1e. In this version was bug and now it is fixed. It didn't matter in 2.1e whether your "Show in navigation" was set to true or false.

Now - in 2.2, setting this option to true enables your document to be visible in Breadcrumbs navigation. This behavior is correct.

Best regards,
Vita Janecek

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nas_ha - 8/27/2007 6:15:17 PM
RE:Bread Crumbs
Many thanks.

Now I understand but this not good>

How can I do it like the V 2.1e.

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kentico_vitaja - 8/28/2007 9:23:37 AM
RE:Bread Crumbs

unfortunately it is not possible to achieve disabling "Show in navigation" option nor Breadcrumbs modification that would do what you are requesting.
However you might want to contact us at and we will try to figure out how to help you with this issue in some other way.

Best regards,
Vita Janecek