Installation and deployment
Version 2.x > Installation and deploymentinstall kentico 2.3 a View modes: 
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svet - 11/7/2007 4:56:56 PM
install kentico 2.3 a

I have a problem on step 2 database setup. I use an existing database,which is situated on the other server.this is database already have Kentico CMS database objects.

So, when I click "next",I get the error:
[QueryProvider.GetQuery]: Query cms.ScheduledTask.selectall not found!

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 1/29/2008 12:42:52 PM
RE:install kentico 2.3 a
it is little bit delayed answer, I just want that the solution for this problem is also available on the forum. I have found your ticket in the history:

It seems stored SQL query from 'CMS_Query' table is missing there. Could you please confirm your data base (the existing one you try to use) contains mentioned table and you can see record with 'ClassID' as 909 and 'QueryName' as 'selectall' there? If your data base doesn't contain table or record above, could you please try to update this table with data from another (working) database?