Installation and deployment
Version 2.x > Installation and deployment > Pre-compiled Website View modes: 
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Certified Developer v7
Certified  Developer v7 - 9/3/2007 11:29:14 AM
Pre-compiled Website

I have read through the pdf on pre-compiling a website but have a few questions:

- I am guessing i will be unable to use import/export objects if a site is pre-compiled ? As if a template is exported then imported it will import the aspx & .cs files.

- Following on from the above if i am not able to import objects i am guessing i will need to create the templates manually on live ?

- If i have created a bunch of new templates & created various pages within CMSDesk using these templates (all on dev) & i want to export the content as well as the templates .. how can i do this ? Is it going to be a manual process of copying over the relevant SQL data between dev & live ?



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kentico_vitaja - 7/14/2008 7:55:04 AM
RE:Pre-compiled Website

I would like to recommend you to test your site and all required functions before pre-compilation. To do this add the following key into the appSettings section of your web.config file:
<add key="CMSUseVirtualPathProvider" value="false" />

Also, you should make sure that you save virtual objects to disk so that your web site can use physical files in your system.

Best regards,
Vita Janecek