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PageInfo Class
Page data storage object
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.DocumentEngine
Assembly: CMS.DocumentEngine (in CMS.DocumentEngine.dll) Version: 9.0.0
public class PageInfo : ReadOnlyAbstractHierarchicalObject<PageInfo>, 
	IPageInfo, ITreeNode, IDataContainer, ISimpleDataContainer, ITreeNodeMethods

The PageInfo type exposes the following members.

Protected fieldmClassName
Document class name.
Protected fieldmDocumentTemplateInstance
Document widgets template instance.
Protected fieldmEditableItems
Editable items container.
Protected fieldmGroupTemplateInstance
Group widgets template instance.
Protected fieldmInheritedPageInfo
Inherited page info object.
Protected fieldmPageTemplateInfo
Page template info object.
Protected fieldmPageTemplateInfoLoaded
If true, the page template info was already loaded
Protected fieldmSiteName
Document site name.
Protected fieldmTemplateInstance
Complete page template instance (PageTemplateInfo.TemplateInstance + DocumentTemplateInstance + GroupTemplateInstance + MVTVariants + ContentPersonalizationVariants).
Public propertyClassName
Class name of the current document.
Public propertyColumnNames
Available column names.
(Inherited from AbstractDataContainerParentObjectType.)
Public propertyDesignPageTemplateInfo
Page template info used for standard and design view of the document.
Public propertyDocumentContent
Returns document content XML.
Public propertyDocumentConversionValue
Document conversion value - Reflects the "DocumentConversionValue" data column.
Public propertyDocumentCulture
Document culture.
Public propertyDocumentExtensions
Document extensions.
Public propertyDocumentGUID
Document GUID
Public propertyDocumentCheckedOutVersionHistoryID
Document checked out version history ID.
Public propertyDocumentID
Document ID.
Public propertyDocumentLogActivity
Indicates if document enables logging activities.
Public propertyDocumentMenuCaption
Document menu caption.
Public propertyDocumentMenuClass
Document menu class.
Public propertyDocumentMenuItemHideInNavigation
Document menu hide in navigation.
Public propertyDocumentMenuItemInactive
Document menu item inactive.
Public propertyDocumentMenuJavascript
Document menu JavaScript.
Public propertyDocumentMenuRedirectToFirstChild
Indicates if redirection to first child document should be performed when accessed.
Public propertyDocumentMenuRedirectUrl
Document Redirect URL.
Public propertyDocumentMenuStyle
Document menu style.
Public propertyDocumentName
Document name.
Public propertyDocumentNamePath
Document name path.
Public propertyDocumentPageDescription
Document page description.
Public propertyDocumentPageKeyWords
Document page keywords.
Public propertyDocumentPageTitle
Document page title.
Public propertyDocumentPublishedVersionHistoryID
Document published version history ID.
Public propertyDocumentPublishFrom
Document published from.
Public propertyDocumentPublishTo
Document published to.
Public propertyDocumentSearchExcluded
Indicates whether document should be excluded from search
Public propertyDocumentStylesheetID
Document CSS stylesheet ID.
Public propertyDocumentTemplateInstance
Document widgets template instance.
Public propertyDocumentTrackConversionName
Document conversion name - Reflects the "DocumentTrackConversionName" data column.
Public propertyDocumentUrlPath
Document URL path.
Public propertyDocumentWorkflowCycleGUID
Workflow cycle GUID to obtain preview link for document
Public propertyDocumentWorkflowStepID
Document workflow step ID.
Public propertyEditableItems
Editable items contained within the page.
Public propertyEditableRegions
Editable regions contained within the document.
Public propertyEditableWebParts
Editable WebParts contained within the document.
Public propertyGroupTemplateInstance
Group widgets template instance.
Public propertyChildPageInfo
Child page info (for the page path of the PortalControls).
Protected propertyInheritedPageInfo
Inherited page info.
Public propertyIsDocument
Indicates if document context available.
Public propertyIsLink
Indicates whether the document is link to another document.
Public propertyIsPublished
Returns true if the node is published.
Public propertyItem
Gets the value of particular property
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject.)
Public propertyNodeACLID
Public propertyNodeAlias
Node alias.
Public propertyNodeAliasPath
Node alias path.
Public propertyNodeAllowCacheInFileSystem
Requires authentication property.
Public propertyNodeBodyElementAttributes
Node body CSS class.
Public propertyNodeCacheMinutes
Node cache minutes.
Public propertyNodeClassID
Node class ID.
Public propertyNodeDocType
Node document type.
Public propertyNodeGroupID
Node group ID.
Public propertyNodeGUID
Node GUID.
Public propertyNodeHeadTags
Node header tags.
Public propertyNodeID
Node ID.
Public propertyNodeInheritPageTemplate
If true, the document inherits the page template from parent
Public propertyNodeLevel
Node level.
Public propertyNodeLinkedNodeID
Linked node ID.
Public propertyNodeLinkedNodeSiteID
Linked node site ID.
Public propertyNodeName
Node name.
Public propertyNodeOrder
Node order.
Public propertyNodeOwner
Document owner.
Public propertyNodeParentID
Node parent ID.
Public propertyNodeSiteID
Node site ID.
Public propertyNodeSiteName
Node site name.
Public propertyNodeSKUID
Document product ID.
Public propertyNodeTemplateForAllCultures
If true, the document uses the same template (NodeTemplateID) for all culture versions
Public propertyOriginalNodeSiteID
Original node site ID. Returns NodeSiteID for standard document, LinkedNodeSiteID for linked document.
Public propertyPageResult
Gets or sets the contextual page result data object related to the current url. PageResult returns different data for different document aliases.
Public propertyParentPageInfo
Parent page info (for the page path), this property is meant for internal purposes of Portal engine.
Public propertyProperties
Properties available through the context.
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject.)
Protected propertyPropertyList
Used property list
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject.)
Protected propertyRegisteredColumns
Registered Columns
(Inherited from AbstractSimpleDataContainerTObject.)
Protected propertyRegisteredColumnsObject
Registered Columns object
(Inherited from AbstractSimpleDataContainerTObject.)
Protected propertyRegisteredProperties
Registered properties
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject.)
Protected propertyRegisteredPropertiesObject
Registered properties object
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject.)
Public propertyRequiresAuthentication
Requires authentication property.
Public propertyRequiresSSL
Requires authentication property.
Public propertyRequiresSSLValue
Requires authentication property.
Public propertySiteName
Site name of the current document.
Public propertyTemplateInstance
Complete page template instance (PageTemplateInfo.TemplateInstance + DocumentTemplateInstance + GroupTemplateInstance).
Protected propertyUpperTree
Upper tree DataSet (for inheriting of the values).
Public propertyUsedPageTemplateInfo
Page template info used by current view mode.
Protected propertyUseLocalColumns
If true, the object uses local columns
(Inherited from AbstractSimpleDataContainerTObject.)
Protected propertyUseLocalProperties
If true, the object uses local properties
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject.)
Public propertyWorkflowStepName
Workflow step name.
Public propertyWorkflowStepType
Workflow step type.
Public methodAddResponseCacheDependencies
Adds the cache dependencies for the current page to the response.
Public methodClearOutputCache(Boolean)
Clears the output cache for current page.
Public methodClearOutputCache(Boolean, Boolean)
Clears the output cache for current page.
Public methodClone
Clones the PageInfo object.
Public methodClone(Boolean, Boolean)
Clones the PageInfo object.
Public methodCombineWith
Combines current instance with other properties (modifies current instace!). List properties are merged from all the participating typeinfos, other properties are taken as first non-null value (non-null is determined by nullValues collection).
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject.)
Public methodContainsColumn
Returns true if specified column is available in current structure.
(Inherited from AbstractDataContainerParentObjectType.)
Public methodCreateInherited
Creates an inherited page info.
Public methodGetContentXml
Returns the xml code of the document contents (Editable regions, web parts).
Public methodGetDocumentName
Gets friendly document name
Protected methodGetInheritedTemplateInfo
Gets the inherited template info from parent page infos
Public methodGetProperty
Gets the context property.
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject.)
Protected methodGetPropertyType
Gets the type of the given property
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject.)
Public methodGetResolvedPageTitle
Gets resolved document page title
Public methodGetResponseCacheDependencies
Gets the page dependency keys for the response of the page.
Public methodGetUpperTree
Gets the upper tree data for inherited values.
Public methodGetUsedInheritPageLevels
Gets the inherit page levels used by this page
Public methodGetUsedPageTemplateId
Gets the page template id used by this document
Public methodGetUsedPageTemplateIdColumn
Gets the page template id used by this document
Public methodGetValue
Gets the object value.
(Inherited from AbstractSimpleDataContainerTObject.)
Public methodGetValueFromUpperTree
Returns string value of selected column.
Public methodHasSetter
Returns true if given property has a setter
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject.)
Public methodIsProduct
Returns true if the document represents a product.
Public methodIsProductSection
Returns true if the document type stands for the product section
Public methodIsRoot
Returns true if the given document is a root node
Public methodLoadContentXml
Loads the content XML to the content table.
Public methodLoadVersion
Load the current version data of the document to the page info.
Public methodLoadVersion(TreeNode)
Load complete given version of the document to the page info.
Protected methodRegisterColumn(String, FuncTObject, Object)
Registers the given Column to the object
(Inherited from AbstractSimpleDataContainerTObject.)
Protected methodRegisterColumn(String, FuncTObject, Object, FuncTObject, Object, Object)
Registers the given Column to the object
(Inherited from AbstractSimpleDataContainerTObject.)
Protected methodRegisterColumns
Registers the Columns of this object
(Overrides AbstractSimpleDataContainerTObjectRegisterColumns.)
Protected methodRegisterProperties
Registers the properties of this object
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject.)
Protected methodRegisterProperty(String, FuncTObject, Object)
Registers the given property to the object
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject.)
Protected methodRegisterProperty(String, Object, FuncTObject, Object, Object)
Registers the given parameterized property to the object.
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject.)
Public methodSetPageResult
Sets the page result object for the given url. The page result object is then accessible via PageResult property.
Public methodSetPageTemplateId
Sets the default document page template ID
Public methodSetProperty
Gets the context property.
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject.)
Public methodSetValue
Sets the object value.
(Inherited from AbstractSimpleDataContainerTObject.)
Public methodTryGetProperty(String, Object)
Gets the context property.
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject.)
Public methodTryGetProperty(String, Object, Boolean)
Returns value of property.
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject.)
Public methodTryGetValue
Returns value of column.
(Inherited from AbstractSimpleDataContainerTObject.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodCopyTo
Copies the data of specified columns of the source object to the target object.
(Defined by DataExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodCheckRequiredColumns
Returns true if given list of columns do not have null values in the object
(Defined by DataExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodIsFile
Returns true if the given document is a file node
(Defined by TreeNodeTypeExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodIsFolder
Returns true if the given document is a folder node
(Defined by TreeNodeTypeExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToJSON
Returns JSON representation of current instance of IDataContainer.
(Defined by DataExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToXML
Returns XML representation of current instance of IDataContainer.
(Defined by DataExtensions.)
See Also