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ObjectDependencyEnum Enumeration
Stores options for handling the referential integrity of references between object types (foreign keys).

Namespace: CMS.DataEngine
Assembly: CMS.DataEngine (in CMS.DataEngine.dll) Version: 13.0.131
public enum ObjectDependencyEnum
  Member nameValueDescription
Required0 Required reference without a default value. For objects that do not make sense without having the reference set. If the referenced object is deleted, the system automatically deletes the entire object containing the reference. If the target object does not exist during import or staging, the operation is cancelled for the given object.
RequiredHasDefault1 If the referenced object is deleted or does not exist on the target instance during import or staging, the system automatically assigns a default object. To set the default object, override the GetDefaultObject method in the code of the given Info class.
NotRequired2 Represents an optional reference. Use for objects that make sense without having the reference set. The reference column must support null values. If the referenced object is deleted or does not exist on the target instance during import or staging, the system sets a null value for the reference.
Binding3 Use for the reference fields of dedicated binding classes (classes that only represent relationships between other classes). Binding references are required. If the referenced object is deleted, the system automatically deletes the entire binding record. If the target object does not exist during import or staging, the operation is cancelled for the given binding record.
Use for the value of the 'required' parameter when creating ObjectDependency or ExtraColumn objects within type information definitions.
See Also