Perfectly situated on the edge of the Great Barrier Reef, amongst Queensland's 74 Whitsunday Islands, Hamilton Island offers an experience like no other: glorious weather, azure waters, brilliant beaches, awe-inspiring coral reefs, fascinating flora and fauna, fine food and wines, and activities almost too numerous to mention. Hamilton Island’s outdated digital platforms were costing them direct sales. The site, which staff found cumbersome to maintain, was even more difficult for customers to use and resulted in low conversion and reduced revenue. The site is mobile device responsive to ensure customers can plan their vacation on any device and interact with the social features on-the-go or on the island. The data feeds from the inventory also serve to power the mobile app, which can be used as an on-island guide. Kentico 8’s integration with Stacklaand, Hamilton Island’s popular Twitter and Instagram accounts, brings the website to life with their audience’s own content. Alongside robust technical foundations, Kentico provided the marketing intelligence required for the project to achieve its potential, using Web Analytics, Campaign Management, E-mail Marketing, A/B and MVT Testing, Contact Management, Lead Scoring, Personalization, Segmentation, and Automation. The site is published in multiple languages. When a new page / section is added in the predominant language used (English), alerts are automatically issued to Content Editors responsible for the other languages. They have already seen the average purchase increase by 14.37% and cart abandonment reduced by 7.96%. Average time on site has increased to over 3 minutes, with overall conversion to purchase increasing by 75.63%, a great result for the client. Hamilton Island had over 159,598 users in the first 3 weeks, with return visitors up by 4%. Finally, internal time to manage the site content has halved since the launch.