Kentico CMS Podcast #18 – Responsive Web Design with Adam Reece, Senior Web Designer for BizStream

Partners, get recognition for your work and more publicity - Enter your website for a Horizon Interactive Awards.
The Horizon Interactive Awards is a prestigious international competition recognizing outstanding achievement among interactive media producers. One of the categories is Web. Entries are given either a Gold, Silver, Bronze and, in some cases, honorable mention award distinctions.
More information about the awards and judging process can be found here.

Call for entries to the Horizon Interactive Awards 2012 is now underway. The deadline for entry is Friday, December 21, 2012.

How do you get the discount on your next license?
  • This discount is only offered to Kentico Partners (all levels)
  • Enter your website into the Horizon Interactive Awards 2012
  • Then, send us an email with proof of your submission to
  • We will send you a unique discount code for your next Kentico CMS/EMS license purchase (The maximum possible discount is 100 USD)
Good luck in your submission and let us know how you get on!

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Eva Palbuchtova (Blazkova)

Hi, I work as an Event Manager. I take care of upcoming events of Kentico Software and .NET user group Programme.
