Kentico Named “Easiest to Deploy” Among Industry Competitors
Gleanster’s most recent Gleansight Benchmark Report for WCM lists Kentico as Easiest to Deploy among nearly 40 industry vendors. Gleanster, a leading market research company, produces a variety of sector-specific reports detailing best practices in worldwide business. Their research focuses on five guiding principles: specificity, brevity, clarity, objectivity, and openness.
The report was based on survey responses from over 200 companies of different sizes across multiple market segments. It provides a snapshot not only of best practices among companies that lead their industries in WCM use, but a list of the best practices these companies follow.

The Gleanster Gleansight Benchmark Report for WCM Systems named Kentico best in Ease of Deployment, and second among the top vendors in Ease of Use. We constantly work to produce a product that gets beautiful and effective websites up and running in half the time and know that our work has paid-off. As the report noted: “Unlike many competitors, Kentico offers unlimited users under all licenses, a testament to their desire to align and empower marketing users and help IT support core marketing processes in a simple to use robust out-of-the-box application.”
To read more about the report, and other categories in which users rated us highly, click here.