Do you know your brand?

A brand is simply a name, symbol or other feature that uniquely identifies your product. That’s a really simplistic definition, as branding is so much more. It’s important to understand that successful brands are built by customers, not companies. A brand is represented by tangible elements, like typefaces, logos and colors. These are combined with intangible elements like messages and product promises. When combined together these create consumer perceptions. As marketers, we push customers in a desired direction, but consumers create brands through experience and emotion.
I often find the easiest way to think of a brand is as a promise to consumers. A successful brand sets expectations for customers through a promise and must meet these expectations in every single interaction. As consumers experience brands and make them their own, a brands grow. Brands that don’t meet expectations fail.

Marketers have long known that the relationship between customer and company is at its foundation emotional. The strongest relationships are those that are grounded in the most passionate and emotional connections. Think about it, the most powerful brands are ones that holds widespread appeal among consumers but still allow each individual to experience the brand in their unique way. Great brands have an inherent sense of belonging attached to them. In order words, each customer experiences the brand individually, and also knows they are part of a larger group. These successful brands are typically shared by groups of people and provide opportunities for consumers to select how they want to interact with the brand they love through a wide variety of experiences.
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Thomas Robbins

I spend my time working with partners and customers extending their marketing and technology to the fullest.