Cheap, affordable or expensive?
Is Kentico CMS cheap, affordable or expensive? What is your opinion?
When we talk to our clients about Kentico
CMS pricing, we get very different answers. Some clients say something like "we can't afford it" or "your CMS is overpriced". On the other hand some clients say "I can't believe you're selling this product at such a low price."
I think the biggest issue here is that people have no idea what a CMS should cost. Should it be $100 or $100,000? If you're buying a new car, you have quite a good idea of what a common car costs and you understand why you may pay twice as much for a BMW or Mercedes car of the same class and you know whether you need a small car or a truck. However, when it comes to CMS, it's very difficult to compare. There are thousands of CMS systems with very different architecture and features. Their price ranges from free to millions of dollars. What should you choose? And is there a real return on investment?
This leaves the buyers with lots of questions. And I understand that people may have very different feelings when they see the price of Kentico CMS. We found out that this feeling doesn't depend on the country or company size. It's mostly a question of budget and of the knowledge of the CMS market. People who had a chance to work with several CMS solutions throughout their career usually say that Kentico provides an excellent value for their money.
What is your opinion? Is Kentico CMS cheap or expensive? Would you like to see any changes in our prices, editions or licensing schema?
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