A New Kentico MVP – Congratulations Jeroen Fürst

When the MVP award was first announced, it was amazing to see the fantastic community response. It makes the award a tough decision given all the great things that I see in the .NET and Kentico CMS community on a daily basis.
It’s with great pleasure that we can officially announce that Jeroen Fürst has received the Kentico MVP award. As many know Jeroen has one of the most well read and technically deep blogs on Kentico CMS and has recently completed the Kentico Certified Developer. This combined with his fantastic insights on Kentico CMS and .NET makes the award well deserved!
Congratulations Jeroen!
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Thomas Robbins

I spend my time working with partners and customers extending their marketing and technology to the fullest.


Jeroen Fürst commented on

Many thanks guys!