7/9/2013 7:13:00 AM
Unable to insert external image into a bog post
My attempt to insert this image:
into a blog post in a default Corporate Site provided with the 7-day free hosted trial did not meet with much success.
I followed these steps:
1. Select the Insert image button from the WYSIWYG toolbar.
2. In the Insert image or media screen, select the Web tab, update the fields with the following information, and then select Insert.
Media type: Image
Alternate text: Kentico CMS Logo
3. Click the Lock/Unlock Ratio button (Lock icon), enter a Width of 200 and Height of 70, and then select Insert.
4. Select Save.
The image doesn't appear inside the blog post. Neither does it appear in the blog post when seen on the live site.
Is there anything I should do differently, to be able to include an external image?