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Version 7.x > Bug reports > Ampersand not encoded in description meta View modes: 
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mkayan-wakefly - 9/11/2013 3:57:13 PM
Ampersand not encoded in description meta
If a page title contains an ampersand, Kentico encodes it as a named entity in the title tag (&).

However, if the description meta contains an ampersand, it is not encoded.

I haven't seen any real issues crop up because of this, but the page's HTML code won't pass validation unless the ampersand is encoded.

I have a Kentico 7 site running 7.0.32, but have replicated the same behavior on a site patched up to 7.0.52

Many thanks,

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Kentico Customer Success
Kentico Customer Success
kentico_martind2 - 9/12/2013 7:52:13 AM
RE:Ampersand not encoded in description meta

You can fix this by adding the following key into web.config file:
<add key="CMSEncodeMetaTagValue" value="true"/>

Best regards,
Martin Danko

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Certified Developer 13
mkayan-wakefly - 9/12/2013 9:12:45 AM
RE:Ampersand not encoded in description meta
Excellent - that did the trick.

Thank you for your assistance,