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Version 7.x > Bug reports > IE11: WebDav Edit button not working View modes: 
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Luca - 11/20/2013 5:32:05 AM
IE11: WebDav Edit button not working
Steps to reproduce:

1: Select an office document within cmsdesk environment
2: Click Form tab
3: In the update column there is the edit icon (not clickable) with tooltip "Use Internet Explorer 6 or later for the document editing"

switching to IE 10 it works

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Kentico Customer Success
Kentico Customer Success
kentico_martind2 - 11/20/2013 8:07:37 AM
RE:IE11: WebDav Edit button not working
Hello Luca,

Unfortunately I have to say that IE11 is officially not supported as it was released one year after Kentico v7 was released and they have completely changed the core of browser.

However, what usually works for IE11 is to add a domain to the compatibility list, please follow this article: http://www.windows8core.com/how-to-view-and-configure-compatibility-settings-in-internet-explorer-11-of-windows-8-1/.

Best regards,
Martin Danko