Hi Radek,
I manage to pin point little more details for us to analyze.
When I call this URL : localhost/Home.aspx, the IIS throws "Not found exception" (as mentioned earlier).
I removed this line from web.config
<add name="CMSApplicationModule" preCondition="managedHandler" type="CMS.CMSHelper.CMSApplicationModule, CMS.CMSHelper" />
and Home.aspx is being found by IIS. But this is not a solution as I get following error later on
"System events are not initialized. You must call CMSContext.Init() before running any of your methods. In web application, the web.config file must contain registration for the CMSApplicationModule: <add name="CMSApplicationModule" type="CMS.CMSHelper.CMSApplicationModule, CMS.CMSHelper"/>."
because our code is calling CMSContext class so many times in custom code.
Is this something to do with the above handler, do I need to register the custom aspx files with it ?