Design and CSS styles
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joelbower-gmail - 2/19/2013 12:05:11 PM
CMSListMenu and CSS Classes
Hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I've added classes to my menu items via the CMS Desk > content > properties > navigation > menu design fields, which works fine. The second I select a page, however, my class is overwritten with 'CMSListMenuHighlightedLI'

Is there any way to keep the class i've specified and just append the highlighted class?

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Kentico Legend
Kentico Legend
Brenden Kehren - 2/19/2013 12:28:58 PM
RE:CMSListMenu and CSS Classes
I suggest creating or modifying your existing classes to utilize the classes auto generated by the CMSListMenu. Nice thing is you can specify a comma separated list of node prefixes. For instnace: first, second, third. Then you have a structure like so:

<ul class="firstCMSListMenuUL">
<li class="firstCMSListMenuLI">
menu option 1
<li class="firstCMSListMenuLI">
menu option 2 w/nested items
<ul class="secondCMSListMentUL">
<li class="secondCMSListMenuLI">
Nested item under menu option 2

You can easily create styles for it in your css.

Another option is to uncheck the box so it will not render the CSS classes dyamically for you.

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joelbower-gmail - 2/19/2013 4:08:42 PM
RE:CMSListMenu and CSS Classes
I needed identifiers on each of the menu items to apply specific icons to them, so i've gotten around the issue by using RenderItemID.

Just seems strange to give a way to manipulate class names, but then replace it outright if selected. Surely a better way would be to append the selected classname to the item itself, no?

Anyway, argument for another time!

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Kentico Legend
Kentico Legend
Brenden Kehren - 2/19/2013 4:12:32 PM
RE:CMSListMenu and CSS Classes
What is the structure (HTML) of your menu? I might have a suggestion based on what your answer is. Secondly, I believe if you're using the CMSListMenu, you have the most control over CSS by taking advantage of the built in classes the menu provides.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 2/19/2013 10:52:51 PM
RE:CMSListMenu and CSS Classes

In the location you have mentioned (Properties -> Navigation) there is a field for the highlighted css class as well, so you can specify it as you wish:

Menu item design - highlighted -> Menu item CSS class: my_highlighted

Best regards,
Jan Hermann

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joelbower-gmail - 2/20/2013 11:24:58 AM
RE:CMSListMenu and CSS Classes
Weird, i set that up the other day and for some reason it wasn't working! Now it is!!!

Thanks Jan!