Design and CSS styles
Version 7.x > Design and CSS styles > using same BizForm on different pages View modes: 
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dbraun-pediatricweb - 2/13/2013 1:57:50 PM
using same BizForm on different pages
I have a bizForm on the home page of this site and would like to use it on all pages. As you can see, the formatting is fine on the home page but on subsequent pages it is messed up. Why? It is the same form and the css styling is the same, too.
I have also noticed that if I move the BizForm to another zone on the home page, it *loses* its css formatting and I have to copy source code into the stylesheet again and again.

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Petr Dvorak - 2/14/2013 4:10:51 AM
RE:using same BizForm on different pages
You use in your CSS stylesheet specificPediatricHealthAssociatesLtd selectors for zoneHome (line 278+):

Therefore the CSS is applied only in the Home zone.

Using this type of selectors is generally not a good idea, use a custom unique ID or class instead.