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Certified Developer v7
Certified  Developer v7
wdaugherty-dataspringinc - 7/22/2013 12:55:16 PM
Azure storage mapping for image files
We are building an e-commerce site and as part of this site there are 1000s of product related images that are maintained outside of the system using 3rd party tools. What I would like to do is map a folder in either the content tree to point to an azure blob container that the 3rd party system syncs the images to. For example I would like a folder in the content tree named "productimages" that will map to a container by the same name so that if there is a file in that containter called myproduct.jpg the url rendered would be We do not want to maintain the images in any way in Kentico but we would like to be able to use the built in transformation methods to retrieve the images and resize if necessary. We are using Kentico 7 with hotfix 28 if that helps. I have tried to follow the example in the developer guide for storing files in different containers but that seems to only apply to the media library (which is fine) but it also puts the path in the container which we don't want.

Any suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_filipl - 9/17/2013 10:12:15 AM
RE:Azure storage mapping for image files

Such functionality would require extensive customizations. You will have to create a custom provider which will provide methods for retrieving files from blob storage and mapping it to the folder in content tree. You can use classes and their methods in CMS.AzureStorage abstract layer, e.g. BlobInfoProvider and BlobInfo classes could be useful for you. Unfortunately, we do not have any API examples for these methods in Developer's Guide.

However, I am wondering why you do not want to use media library for this scenario. The thing is Kentico API provides a way to upload multiple files at once to these libraries so you do not have to worry that you will have to do it manually one by one.

Best regards,
Filip Ligac