Version 7.x > APIdocument status field in dbo.CMS_Document View modes: 
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yogasukma - 12/10/2013 12:24:33 AM
document status field in dbo.CMS_Document
hi all, i've used qlHelperClass.ExecuteQuery() to query direct to database.
i want to make conditional with where statement.

my problem is i cant find which one of field in dbo.CMS_Document tabel that signed the document was approved or not?

anyone has known it before me?


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Kentico Legend
Kentico Legend
Brenden Kehren - 12/12/2013 8:29:10 AM
RE:document status field in dbo.CMS_Document
There isn't approved info in that table. Those are version and workflow records you are looking for. I wouldn't use the .ExecuteQuery() method as you can use the API for Versioning and Workflow to get that information based on a document or node. I'd suggest downloading the API documentation as it will have what you need. Also check out the API Examples within your local install, you can find examples of how to use the API to get Version and Workflow data.