Version 7.x > APICreate BizForm Programmatically View modes: 
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joe@jmawebtechnologies.com - 11/20/2012 1:52:14 PM
Create BizForm Programmatically

I am trying to create a BizForm programmatically, however, my code fails to work. What am I doing wrong?
public void CreateBizFormTables()
string bizFormNamespace = "BizForm";
string tablename = "warehousecountry";
string className = bizFormNamespace + "." + tablename;
string defaultDateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(CultureHelper.EnglishCulture.DateTimeFormat);
TableManager tm = new TableManager(ConnectionHelper.GetConnection().ConnectionString);
tm.CreateTable(tablename, "warehousecountryid");
var dci = BizFormInfoProvider.CreateBizFormDataClass(className, "warehousecountry", tablename, "warehousecountryid");
tm.AddTableColumn(tablename, "FormInserted", "datetime", false, defaultDateTime);
tm.AddTableColumn(tablename, "FormUpdated", "datetime", false, defaultDateTime);
tm.AddTableColumn(tablename, "WarehouseCountry", "nvarchar", true, null);
tm.AddTableColumn(tablename, "WarehouseID", "nvarchar", true, null);
CMS.DataEngine.SqlGenerator.GenerateDefaultQueries(dci, true, true);

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 11/20/2012 3:01:30 PM
RE:Create BizForm Programmatically

Could you please let me know what do you mean by "my code fails to work"? Do you get any error message? Have you checked the event log for any errors regarding your issue?

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko

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joe@jmawebtechnologies.com - 11/20/2012 3:03:03 PM
RE:Create BizForm Programmatically

No error messages, however, I see no BizForm under the tools > forms area. It looks like I'm missing code to save the form.

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 11/25/2012 7:19:02 PM
RE:Create BizForm Programmatically

Could you please try to compare your code with the following one?

string classname = "classname";
CMS.SettingsProvider.DataClassInfo dci = CMS.SettingsProvider.DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClass(classname);
if (dci != null)
CMS.FormEngine.FormInfo fi = new CMS.FormEngine.FormInfo(dci.ClassFormDefinition);
if (fi != null)
// Field definition
FormFieldInfo ffi = new FormFieldInfo();
ffi.Name = "Field Name";
ffi.DataType = FormFieldDataTypeEnum.File;
ffi.AllowEmpty = true;
ffi.System = false;
ffi.FieldType = CMS.FormEngine.FormFieldControlTypeEnum.UploadControl;
ffi.Visible = true;
ffi.Caption = "Field Caption";
ffi.Description = "Field Description";
ffi.RegularExpression = "";
ffi.Enabled = true;
ffi.FileExtensions = "bmp;gif;jpg;jpeg;png;";


// Create a new column directly in the database
CMS.DataEngine.TableManager.AddTableColumn(dci.ClassTableName, ffi.Name, "uniqueidentifier", true, null);

dci.ClassXmlSchema = CMS.DataEngine.TableManager.GetXmlSchema(dci.ClassTableName);
dci.ClassFormDefinition = fi.GetXmlDefinition();
// Update DataClassInfo object
// Generate default queries
CMS.DataEngine.SqlGenerator.GenerateDefaultQueries(dci, true, true);

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko