Version 7.x > APIuploading and playing video file View modes: 
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Moin - 11/10/2012 3:56:00 AM
uploading and playing video file

I am using kentico version 7. I want the user to upload a video and also he/she should be able to play the video after upload. Which web part should i use for this purpose?

I have used Media File Uploader web part for uploading the video and MediaGalleryFileList for displaying the uploaded contents. But i am still unable to find a solution for my problem.can anyone help me out here?A simple step by step process would be a gr8 help

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Kentico Customer Success
Kentico Customer Success
kentico_martind2 - 11/13/2012 3:59:20 AM
RE:uploading and playing video file

You need to integrate appropriate player for your video types so the page has something to play the video in - Configuring custom file types.

However, it may depend also on the browser settings whether the video is being played or downloaded - this is the client side setting.

Best regards,
Martin Danko