Version 7.x > API > Smart Search API - return custom fields View modes: 
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anthony.degiambattista-bellmedia - 11/8/2012 5:11:15 PM
Smart Search API - return custom fields
I have create a custom document that contains 3 fields ( field 1, field 2 and field 3). I made sure that the fields are set to searchable in "search fields" table located in document types section of the site.

I have create a new smart index type of Documents using the standard analyzer and build the index. Then I used Luke to check to see if the data I needed exists in the index and it does.

However when i use SearchHelper.Search none of the fields that i create in my document is getting returned.

I have read that if i am using transformation i can use GetSearchValue but I am not using transformation for this case.

How can i get my custom fields to be return when using the Search function?

Or should I use Lucene API directly?



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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 11/13/2012 1:53:04 AM
RE:Smart Search API - return custom fields

If you want to speed up the things, you should go directly via the Lucene API - using our API will be the same as using the CMS - all the methods and things will have to be executed as in the standard way. So, you should dig into the Lucene and use its API.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus