Version 7.x > API > Create media library and save video to disk View modes: 
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Jonathontek-gmail - 12/22/2012 9:40:07 AM
Create media library and save video to disk
I am putting a site together that allows registered users to upload both image and video content and then display this content on the site.
I am wondering what would be the best way to handle this. Basically what I need to do is
1. When a user registers on the site I need to create a folder on disk where this user can add content
2. I need a control that allows users to upload this content to their folder
3. I then need to be able link this video or image to a record that is stored within a custom table and display it with the details from the custom table

I have looked into using a media gallery but can't get the API to create a media gallery linked to a folder on disk.

I look forward to hearing your suggestion. Thank you.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 12/24/2012 8:26:12 AM
RE:Create media library and save video to disk

You cna modify the registration web parts to fire your custom code or you can use the custom security event handler. Anyway, you can find the medial library API examples in the CMS - go to Site Manager -> Support -> API examples (media library API examples).

Could you please describe the exact issue you are having using the API?

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus