12/21/2012 8:52:23 AM
SSO from External site
I'm trying to itegrate an SSO solution into Kentico and need to figure out how to force a user logon with Kentico. I've been experimenting with the CMSLoaderAttribute and have the following code:
[PlatformSecurityEventsAttribute] public partial class CMSModuleLoader { private class PlatformSecurityEventsAttribute : CMSLoaderAttribute { public override void Init() { CMSRequestEvents.Authenticate.Before += Authenticate_Before; }
void Authenticate_Before(object sender, EventArgs e) { string username = "administrator"; CMSContext.AuthenticateUser(username, true); } } }
I can see the breakpoints being hit and using Fiddler, I can even see the FormsAuthentication cookie being set in the browser. However, I'm still redirected to the logon page within Kentico. How can I overcome this?