Version 7.x > API > Order of "custom properties" name in Product edit [ E-commerce/Products/Edit product (green pen) ] View modes: 
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CristianoMM-gmail - 12/12/2012 11:53:29 AM
Order of "custom properties" name in Product edit [ E-commerce/Products/Edit product (green pen) ]
Is there a way to order the fields in the "custom properties" area in the Product edit ( E-commerce/Products/Edit product (green pen) ?

I have 4 fields that I added to COM_SKU, that appear in the "custom properties". This are not fields in the product "Document Type", they were created in the COM_SKU table. I'm checking the code in the file ( D:\Gecko\CreativeArtsGallery\Kentico\CMSModules\Ecommerce\Controls\UI\ProductEdit.ascx ) and debugging this line:

skuCustomForm.FormInformation = FormHelper.GetFormInfo(ECommerceObjectType.SKU + ".UpdateCustom", true);

The skuCustomForm.FormInformation collection contains all the fields, including my 4 custom fields, I was thinking in altering their indexes to apply my needed order, but I think it has to be a better / Cleaned way to do this. Can you help me ? Thanks.

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
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kentico_borisp - 12/15/2012 6:32:52 PM
RE:Order of "custom properties" name in Product edit [ E-commerce/Products/Edit product (green pen) ]

We solved this issue over the email, so for other visitors, here is the solution:

You are able to change the layout of the product editing from in Development / System tables / COM - SKU / Alternative form / <pick one> / Layout (Fields). You can also use the Move up/down arrows on the fields directly.

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko