Hi Dave,
I have discussed it with our developers, but your requirement is not clear enough.
You have to use an Advanced workflow if you want to handle custom steps. The third-party API should also return some value, right? I would recommend you to take a look at the following blog post:
How to Create Custom Workflow Action.
Arguments.StopProcessing = true;
using (WorkflowActionContext ctx = new WorkflowActionContext() { CheckStepPermissions = false })
Arguments.Comment += string.Format(" | Document needs approval also from these manager(s): {0}", missingManagers.Join(", "));
WorkflowManager.MoveToSpecificStep(Node, Arguments.OriginalStep, Arguments.Comment, WorkflowTransitionTypeEnum.Automatic);
stopprocessing - you will stop the processing of request and using
MoveToSpecificStep you can forward it where you need.
Best regards,
Martin Danko