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Version 7.x > ASPX templates > Custom Form not displaying in checkout process View modes: 
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trheath - 9/25/2012 3:40:54 PM
Custom Form not displaying in checkout process

I have followed the processes for creating a custom payment gateway using the E-Commerce documentation and watching the webinar, but I am still having issues.

I'm not getting any errors in the error log, but my form does not show up during the checkout process, instead I hit the order confirmation page.

I am using the methodology of putting the class file in the "Old_App_Code" folder, and using a Class Loader to load the class.

Am I doing something wrong?



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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 9/25/2012 10:52:24 PM
RE:Custom Form not displaying in checkout process

And what are your checkout process settings? Is your custom form included as one of the checkout steps? (checkout process)

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus