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kdeshane-pixelmedia - 3/18/2013 11:24:03 AM
Error when creating new document type - BaseInfo.IsObjectInvalid
I'm using 7.0, and just upgraded from Hotfix 24 to Hotfix 25 this morning. I just tried to create a new document type, and got the error below. From what I can see, I believe its related to the staging module, but I can't tell for sure
Event detail
Event ID: 3895
Event type: Error
Event time: 3/18/2013 12:08:54 PM
Source: NewClassWizard
Event code: CREATE
User name: kdeshane
IP address:

Description: Message: [BaseInfo.IsObjectInvalid]: Object type 'cms.documenttype' does not support invalidation. To enable it, set the SupportsInvalidation property of the object TypeInfo to true.
Stack Trace:
at CMS.SettingsProvider.BaseInfo.IsObjectInvalid(DateTime lastValid)
at CMS.SettingsProvider.BaseInfo.get_IsObjectValid()
at CMS.SettingsProvider.BaseInfo.get_ObjectParent()
at CMS.SettingsProvider.BaseInfo.get_ObjectSiteID()
at CMS.Synchronization.SynchronizationHelper.LogObjectChange(GeneralizedInfo infoObj, TaskTypeEnum taskType, Boolean logStaging, Boolean logIntegration, Boolean logExport, Boolean createVersion, Boolean isTouchParent, Boolean runAsync)
at CMS.Synchronization.SynchronizationHelper.LogObjectChange(GeneralizedInfo infoObj, TaskTypeEnum taskType, Boolean runAsync)
at CMS.Synchronization.SynchronizedInfo`1.InsertData()
at CMS.DataEngine.AbstractInfoProvider`2.SetInfo(InfoType info)
at CMS.SiteProvider.PermissionNameInfoProvider.CreateClassPermission(Int32 classId, String permissionName, String permissionDisplayName, Int32 permissionOrder, String permissionDescription)
at CMS.SiteProvider.PermissionNameInfoProvider.CreateDefaultClassPermissions(Int32 classId)
at CMSModules_AdminControls_Controls_Class_NewClassWizard.ProcessStep1(WizardNavigationEventArgs e) in c:\Clientwork\somnia\src\Somnia.Web\CMSModules\AdminControls\Controls\Class\NewClassWizard.ascx.cs:line 528

Machine name: DUNWICH
Event URL: /somnia/CMSModules/DocumentTypes/Pages/Development/DocumentType_New.aspx
URL referrer: http://localhost/somnia/CMSModules/DocumentTypes/Pages/Development/DocumentType_New.aspx
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.22 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/25.0.1364.172 Safari/537.22

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 3/18/2013 11:36:46 AM
RE:Error when creating new document type - BaseInfo.IsObjectInvalid

Please apply the latest hotfix 7.0.26 to fix this issue which occurred in the hotfix 7.0.25.

Best regards,
Jan Hermann