ASPX templates
Version 7.x > ASPX templates > MVC templates + CMSEditableRegion View modes: 
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Member - 5/30/2013 1:00:21 AM
MVC templates + CMSEditableRegion
Hi there,

Just a quick question, my gut feeling is that this isn't going to be possible, but has anyone managed to get MVC templates to edit/display page content like what the CMSEditableRegion webpart does for ASPX templates?


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 6/5/2013 3:48:55 AM
RE:MVC templates + CMSEditableRegion

I am sorry but I do not think it will work this way - if I am getting it correctly.
If you want to have the content editable - there are post backs and so on - and this may not work correctly when using MVC.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus