Installation and deployment
Version 7.x > Installation and deployment > integrating web services View modes: 
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lucas-brightspectrum - 11/1/2012 12:54:00 PM
integrating web services
Hello Kenitico Community!

I need to integrate a web service to my Kentico 7.2 website in the form of a wsdl and would love to get some advice on how to do that. I have read the integration guide, but am can't quite wrap my head around how to get my wsdl calls, consumption and references into the connector concept.

My environment: Kentico 7.2, VS2012. I have a url for the wsdl.

Thanks a lot!

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 11/2/2012 3:35:14 AM
RE:integrating web services

Kentico CMS is a .Net project (or application, depends what was installed) and the only special thing in this regards is that you may need to exclude the web service files from the CMS engine using the Excluded URLs setting in Site Manager -> Settings section. All other things are the same as for any other .Net project.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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lucas-brightspectrum - 11/5/2012 7:35:19 PM
RE:integrating web services
I was able to get this working. Here's my solution if any other noobs want to give it a whirl.

1. Create new blank web project within the Kentico web solution.
2. Build web references to WSDL in normal asp fashion.
3. Create a new .ascx control
4. Build out the web service consumption and functionality within the new project.
5. Build the project with visual studio.
6. Add a reference to the new .dll in kentico project.
7. Add a new Web Part.
8. Copy and Paste .ascs control and code behind from new project to the web part just created.
9. Add to Kentico as you normally would.
10. Style to taste.

Not sure if this is a recommended method, and I may have been able to get it working within the Kentico web solution, with a bit more time and elbow grease, but this appears to be working for me.

Thanks to Kentico support!

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jpollock - 12/3/2012 2:07:38 PM
RE:integrating web services

I had similar error trying to add in my mashup web service into Kentico.
My error was:
WCF Error – Could not find default endpoint element that references contract “UserService.UserService”.

My solution was:
Copy the endpoint definitions from the web.config of the project class library it was built in to the web.config file of the Kentico project you are working in.
Look for your <client><endpoint> elements in your config file. Copy them over to config file for Kentico project.
Hope that helps!