Installation and deployment
Version 7.x > Installation and deployment > Custom Payment Gateways without new assembly View modes: 
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bryanallott - 1/29/2013 7:33:46 AM
Custom Payment Gateways without new assembly
Refer this article:

which is for 5.5. In version 7, how does this article change?

I'm attempting a custom gateway (the application is built for Azure so it's all one app) and the form is developed, and all the config is set as per documentation- i've also primed my shoppingcart by setting the shippingpaymentoptionid (there's only one payment option in my case available on the site) but the paymentgatewayprovider property is always null and thus always skipping the payment page in the process?

The instructions for 5.5 don't seem to apply to version 7...

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bryanallott - 1/29/2013 8:36:19 AM
RE:Custom Payment Gateways without new assembly
.. priming the PaymentGateway in the shopping cart, ala:


always returns null.

And the PaymentMethod is assigned to the site and the shipping options all have the payment method assigned in the e-commerce configuration.

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bryanallott - 1/29/2013 9:47:05 AM
RE:Custom Payment Gateways without new assembly
Ok. Figured it out. There are just a lot of similar names in the configuration [between the loader, the class, the form, the webservice helper I'm using etc..] and it was a question of getting those absolutely right :)