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Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Combining contacts with event bookings and eCommerce customers View modes: 
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tim.chalklen@unified.co.uk - 1/27/2014 11:47:39 AM
Combining contacts with event bookings and eCommerce customers
Hi - an upcoming project will require us to extend the Account and Contact entities with Custom Fields, which is looking OK. However, the Contact should also be used to track event bookings, purchases of products, registration for Newsletters and logging into the site to access protected content!

It looks at first glance as if all these contact points are held in different places - customers with orders, event bookings, contact records and Newsletter subscribers.... I have seen a method to subscribe a Contact to a newsletter when filling in a form, but has anyone ever combined all of these into a single view of "the truth" about Contacts?

Also, how is it possible to search across Contact or Account Custom Fields?

Thanks in advance for any help!


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 2/28/2014 1:26:26 AM
RE:Combining contacts with event bookings and eCommerce customers
Hello Tim,

The Contacts are already used to track page visits, event bookings, registrations, product purchases and newsletter subscriptions, as briefly summarized in the Overview for Contact activities article.
Next articles branching from this guidepost describe configuration of activities logging, etc., including custom activities logging.

The real use depends on your aims and requirements.
An example use of activities can be scoring, which can be one part of larger Marketing automation process(es). Those processes together with use of Reporting features may bring "the truth" about contacts.
You can even use the collected data in Website optimalization and Content personalization, described in other chapters...
As for seaching in Contacts - you can use the filter/search controls in the listing, as shown at Contacts management page description.

Should you need any additional details, please feel free to ask.

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