I'm creating a contact form in CMS Desk > Tools > Forms.
The form has a field whose name is "Topic" and field type is radio button with three options:
1;General comment
2;Website comment
3;Website problem
When this form is submitted, I want its data to be sent to one of two email addresses based on the value of the selected radio button.
I'm using the following macro to populate the to-email field under the Notification Email tab:
{% Topic == 1 || 2 ? "email1@example.com" : "email2@example.com" %}
The expression always evaluates to false and sends an email to email2, even if I select the radio button value 1.
The ternary operator works when I use mathematical expressions like 4 + 4 = 9, which evaluates to false and sends an email to email2, or 2+2 = 4 which evaluates true and sends an email to email1, so I'm thinking the problem is that the Topic field is not resolving.
Anyone care to take a guess at what my issue is?