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Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Smart Search Results Transformation Changes View modes: 
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EK - 10/19/2012 11:18:37 AM
Smart Search Results Transformation Changes

I have a list of products document types that I have our smart search querying. Everything is working fine when a user searches. I would like to customize the transformation on the search results page to include more than just the title of the particular found document. I would like to at its ProductID as well.

I'm not sure how to add this to the search results transformation because it seems the available fields that come from lucene are not the same as what would be available through a repeater.

Any help would be appreciated.


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EK - 10/19/2012 2:30:02 PM
RE:Smart Search Results Transformation Changes
OK, looks like I found the answer. I need to use <%#GetSearchValue()%> and then append the field name so it looks like:
Works great!

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Kentico Customer Success
Kentico Customer Success
kentico_martind2 - 10/19/2012 5:37:32 PM
RE:Smart Search Results Transformation Changes
Hi Eric,

nice to know that you've already solved it by yourself, excellent!

Best regards,
Martin Danko