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Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Master Page Templates - How to define "Content" Regions for inheriting pages View modes: 
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matt.salzer-centare - 10/18/2012 12:09:23 PM
Master Page Templates - How to define "Content" Regions for inheriting pages
I have a page template defined at the global level that has header/footer information. I also have defined a "Zone" inbetween the header/footer content information for pages to insert their own content.

The Page template has a template type of "Portal Page" and has "Master Template" selected.

When using this on my website, I have the root set to use this template and each of the pages inherits from this.

The problem is that I do not know how to add page specific content to the page? Everytime I add something to the page, it appears on every page in the website! I do not want page specific web parts to be added to the master template! How do I define areas where page specific content will live?


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Ventrasoft - 10/18/2012 9:37:06 PM
RE:Master Page Templates - How to define "Content" Regions for inheriting pages
It sounds like you are adding it to the Master Page Template and inheriting that template for every page.

Did you also put a page placeholder on the master page ?


I recommend you check the two links above as well as go through the tutorial which you can do very quickly.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 10/24/2012 6:01:55 AM
RE:Master Page Templates - How to define "Content" Regions for inheriting pages

I really seems that your content pages use this master page template, instead of their own page template inheriting the master page. Could you please consult links below to be sure you do it in right way? Thank you.


Best Regards,
Radek Macalik