Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Master/Detail view View modes: 
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olu64-yahoo.co - 11/30/2012 4:44:50 AM
Master/Detail view
I have a page with 2 columns. Navigation in one column populated from a field in a custom table. When a link on the nav is clicked, i want the details (also from the same custom table) to show on the 2nd column on the same page. Ca you please point me in the right direction?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 11/30/2012 6:01:09 AM
RE:Master/Detail view

This is actually very easy to achieve. You can make your links to contain a querystring with an ID of the row from your custom table and then just the Custom table repeater where you can specify the WHERE condition property which takes the value from the querystring like:

WHERE condition: ItemID = {%item%}

Is this clear to you?

Best regards,
Jan Hermann

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bwhalen - 12/3/2012 10:34:10 AM
RE:Master/Detail view
Would you use JavaScript to retrieve the ID from the querystring or does Kentico have something built in that will do that?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 12/3/2012 4:22:21 PM
RE:Master/Detail view

Yes, query strings macros are built in Kentico already, please follow link below to our documentation:

Querystring macros

Best regards,
Jan Hermann