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Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Unique Values Feild in custom field View modes: 
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Certified Developer v7
Certified  Developer v7
Gitesh - 11/20/2012 9:07:19 PM
Unique Values Feild in custom field
Hi Guys,

I am trying to create a custom field in the document type.

But I want this field to be unique.
E.g.: this field will hold numbers and letters in it but they should be always distinct.

Is there any way I can achieve this with kentico?

Gitesh Shah

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 11/21/2012 4:57:29 AM
RE:Unique Values Feild in custom field

Regrettably, there is no setting for making a field as a unique one, however you can develop your own form control which checks filled value before it stores it to the database.

Best regards,
Jan Hermann