Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Not Authenticated User Role View modes: 
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vivek-iconics - 12/17/2012 8:36:31 AM
Not Authenticated User Role
I have a repeater and a editable text web part in my page. The repeater has been assigned to a role where all the user who belong to that role and are logged in can access that web part. Now the editable text displays a text saying "Please login if you want to access the documents" and it has been assigned to the default Kentico "not authenticated user " role. Now when I assign this role and go to my website , and access the page without being logged in , I don't see any content and the page is just blank. Please help me out. ( Logged In users should be able to access the documents and people who are not logged in should get the message and not blank content)




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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 12/18/2012 3:30:03 AM
RE:Not Authenticated User Role

You can set the Visible property for the editable text web part instead. Please open the macro editor by clicking on the small black arrow next to the Visible property and fill it with following macro:


Best regards,
Jan Hermann