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Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Customize bizform from-email View modes: 
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eric.savage-clyral - 1/8/2013 7:11:37 AM
Customize bizform from-email
For our contact forms, we want to pull out the email field and use that as the "from e-mail", so that the support team can reply directly on the notification email they receive.

Any idea how to do this?

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
richards@kentico.com - 1/8/2013 9:18:34 AM
RE:Customize bizform from-email

thats surely possible and very easy to do. If you go to CMS desk -->Tools -> Forms -->click edit on appropriate contact form --> Notification e-mail tab

To the "From e-mail" textbox you can insert macros. So if you would like to insert value of the email from the form some visitors submits you may use macro like "{%Email%}" where the Email is the name of the item from the form you want to use.

You can find more info and more precise directions at http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/index.html?messaging_e-mail_notifications.htm