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Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Issue with adding user setting View modes: 
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hemanthray-gmail - 12/17/2012 11:31:34 AM
Issue with adding user setting
For profile pages we have been added custom user description and user image through the CMS desk. But it always gets null after a while with Kentico 7. Is this a known issue with 7 or is there any setting i have to enable to save it?

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Kentico Legend
Kentico Legend
Brenden Kehren - 12/21/2012 7:45:05 AM
RE:Issue with adding user setting
Your custom fields for user settings should be added in the CMSSiteManager>Development>System Tables>User Settings. If they aren't added there then they most likely aren't being saved.

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hemanthray-gmail - 12/21/2012 8:38:08 AM
RE:Issue with adding user setting
How could I ensure that they save here? i did run in the CMSDesk>Adminstration>Users but it never gets saved

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 12/22/2012 10:38:25 AM
RE:Issue with adding user setting

Do you actually update your custom field (which should be added via Site manager -> Development-> System tables), or is it any of the default fields?
Could you please describe the disappearing of the setting in more details? Is it set initially and then lost after some actions?
We would need more details to identify what could be happening there...

Thanks and regards,

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hemanthray-gmail - 12/25/2012 10:57:02 AM
RE:Issue with adding user setting
We save user setting through Sitemanager>Administration>Usesr>setting. But when ever I update the user settings it does save it but. When i come back to the same user setting I see it cleared.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 12/25/2012 11:27:12 AM
RE:Issue with adding user setting

Could you please describe the exact steps how to reproduce the issue - all the steps from the very beginning?
From your descriptions it is not clear whether you have added the custom fields to the system table as mentioned and also how and where are you editing them. Are you using any custom code/API? Isn't it possible that something is overwriting your custom values?

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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hemanthray-gmail - 12/25/2012 1:46:54 PM
RE:Issue with adding user setting
We dont have anything, We are just trying to add the user information there without any API inside the sitemanger. The only thing is we created the user's using API. Could it be anything which we missed could have cause it?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 12/26/2012 1:39:15 AM
RE:Issue with adding user setting

What are the exact steps please?
How did you add the fields to the user? Was it CMS_User or CMS_UserSettings table?
How are you using the API and what is the code? Are you able to reproduce the issue without the code? Have you tried to run your code in debug mode to see if you are not overwriting the values with your custom code?

When I added a custom field to the CMS_User table, I am able to save the value on the custom fields tab just fine. It seems that your custom code is overwriting it back to blank value.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus