Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 7.x > Portal Engine > the webpart change in diffrent page View modes: 
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Mistarihi-windowslive - 1/17/2013 3:43:11 AM
the webpart change in diffrent page
i create two page with same aspx page template and there is
<cms:CMSWebPartZone ID="ScrollImagesZone" runat="server" />
and document type like albums with images

i insert repeater with light box when add the repeater in one page the the webpart appear in the other pages (using the same template) exactly and when editing it , that do for all page
i want isolate every page with different configuration

any one help

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Certified Developer 13
Certified Developer 13
josefd@kentico.com - 1/17/2013 4:23:25 AM
RE:the webpart change in diffrent page

The easiest way to separate the settings is to create a new ad-hoc template based on the template you are using. This is done by selecting the following option:

CMS Desk -> {Node/Page} -> Edit -> Properties -> Template -> Clone template as ad-hoc

You can find more information about templates and ad-hoc templates in Document properties - Template section of Kentico CMS Developer's Guide.

You could also create dynamic settings for the web part using a macro. You can find more information about creating macros in macro expressions.

Best regards,
Josef Dvorak