Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 7.x > Portal Engine > repeates and soring View modes: 
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eagleag - 1/16/2013 7:24:58 AM
repeates and soring

I would like to use one of the kentico controls with a custom query to show some data.

Which control (webpart) is best for this?

I started using cms:QueryDataGrid but I don't like that fact that it uses skins.

Any other option for grids/repeater the have sorting built-in and do not use skins?

Many thanks

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josefd@kentico.com - 1/16/2013 8:02:19 AM
RE:repeates and soring

Unfortunately, there are no web parts you could use that do not use skins. May I ask you what is your issue with skins and what are you trying to achieve? I may be able to help you more.

Josef Dvorak

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eagleag - 1/16/2013 10:12:34 AM
RE:repeates and soring
josefd@kentico.com wrote: what are you trying to achieve?
1. sql query to retrive data
2. display data according to design
3. sorting and paging of data
4. custom functionality on each row of data

josefd@kentico.com wrote: May I ask you what is your issue with skins
I prefer to have full control of functionality + design on the actual control file.
I just dont like skins.

If cms:QueryDataGrid is still my best bet I will end up using it.
was jsut intrested if there were any other options?

Thanks :)

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Brenden Kehren - 1/16/2013 11:50:31 AM
RE:repeates and soring
You have full control of the design of the control. Kentico uses App_Themes so you can specify in your Default.skin file that <cms:QueryDataGrid> uses a specific CssClass or even give it a skin id.

The other option would be to create your own webpart (although you'd be reinventing the wheel) to give you further access to what you'd like.

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Certified Developer 13
josefd@kentico.com - 1/17/2013 2:21:42 AM
RE:repeates and soring

FroggEye said it best, you will either have to build a custom web part from the ground up, or create a custom skin for your DataGrid.

Josef Dvorak