Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 7.x > Portal Engine > How to display results of Smartsearch View modes: 
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lukek - 1/31/2013 5:43:25 PM
How to display results of Smartsearch

I'm creating a webpart that uses the SearchHelper to get smart search results based on the search paramaters to display in a live search via Ajax.

I am looking for a way to display the results using the dataset that SearchHelper.Search(SearchParameters) in the same manner that the SearchResults webparts work.

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lukek - 1/31/2013 6:29:24 PM
RE:How to display results of Smartsearch
Ok nevermind I have the answer. It hit me to just try the basic repeater :P. I'll post the answer here for others who search the answer.

You can use a BasicRepeater and give it the datasource as the results from SearchHelper.Search(sp)

var results = SearchHelper.Search(sp);
BasicRepeater br = new BasicRepeater();
br.DataSource = results;
br.ItemTemplate = CMSDataProperties.LoadTransformation(this, "CMS.Root.SmartSearchResults", false);