Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 7.x > Portal Engine > editableText View modes: 
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mvcftw-gmail - 2/6/2013 1:06:42 PM
Hello, I'm struggling with editableText of all things.

I create a new page with page template Empty
Drag the editableText web part over to zoneMain
On Edit->Page, I add a quick line of text to the editable text box, hit Save, it tells me the Changes were saved, then the page refreshes and it's empty.
I can add default text which I'll see in design and live view, but once I click on Edit->Page, it's always blank.

Its my first time using Kentico, I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but I'm baffled. (I've been a web dev for more than a decade! Totally embarrassed to be posting this!)

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Kentico Customer Success
Kentico Customer Success
kentico_martind2 - 2/7/2013 12:34:45 AM

could you please tell me which browser are you using? Have you tried to edit it in a different browser?

What masterpage are you using for this page?

Eventually you can check the CMSSiteManager -> Administration -> Event log for any error messages.

Best regards,
Martin Danko

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mvcftw-gmail - 2/8/2013 11:31:09 AM
I was using an Empty page template, just tried again with a Simple Text page template, but it exhibits the same problem. When I looking in the Event Log all I see is the UPDATEDOC event, no errors.

I think my masterpage is probably screwed, I created it myself, and I notice when I create a new folder and select Page with just the folder, the template is show twice.



I tried it with both Firefox and IE, same issue with the control not saving the text. It's a straight EditableText control, I'm not making any changes to it.

If I set the Inheritance to "Do not inherit any content" the Editable Text web part works as expected, but once I revert back to "Use page template settings" it breaks again.

How do I determine what is wrong with my masterpage?

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mvcftw-gmail - 2/8/2013 11:51:02 AM
I figured it out. My custom masterpage had a form tag for a search box, which I guess was problematic with the view state form. How should we correctly handle multiple forms with different actions?

I see the FAQ did answer this problem:

Also still looking for advice on my

when I look at the page tab on a a folder.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 2/10/2013 5:03:02 AM

Nested FORM tags are not allowed by ASP.Net framework.

Regarding the duplicates - what is your exact master page code?

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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mvcftw-gmail - 2/11/2013 10:30:00 AM
I've pared it down to nothing, problem still persists:

Master Page:
<!-- Top info -->
<div class="zoneTopInfo">
<cms:CMSWebPartZone ZoneID="zoneTopInfo" runat="server" />
<!-- Content container -->
<div class="mainDiv">
<!-- Menu -->
<div class="zoneMenu">
<cms:CMSWebPartZone ZoneID="zoneMenu" runat="server" />
<!-- Content -->
<div class="zoneMainContent">
<cms:CMSWebPartZone ZoneID="zoneContent" runat="server" />
<div style="clear:both;line-height:0px;height:0px;" ></div>
<!-- Bottom zone -->
<div class="zoneBottom">
<cms:CMSWebPartZone ZoneID="zoneBottom" runat="server" />
<!-- Footer zone -->
<div class="zoneFooter">
<cms:CMSWebPartZone ZoneID="zoneFooter" runat="server" />

ZonetopInfo has 
statictext=<div id="mainHeader"><h1>Header</h1></div>

zoneFooter has
statictext1=<div id="footer"><h6>Footer</h6></div>

When I cilick on a folder, it renders double. When I click on a document, it renders once.

Here's the rendered output of a folder:
<!-- Top info -->
<div class="zoneTopInfo">
<div id="mainHeader">

<!-- Content container -->
<div class="mainDiv">
<!-- Menu -->
<div class="zoneMenu">
<div class="horizontalmenu"><div id="p_lt_ctl01_cmsmenu_menuElem_table">
<table class="horizontalCMSMenu" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="p_lt_ctl01_cmsmenu_menuElem" style="border-collapse:collapse;z-index:1000;">
<td class="horizontalCMSMenuItem" id="p_lt_ctl01_cmsmenu_menuElem-000" onclick="CSubmenuElem('/medicalert.ca-2013/en/Products-List');" onmousedown="this.className='horizontalCMSMenuItemMouseDown';" onmouseup="this.className='horizontalCMSMenuItemMouseUp';" onmouseover="MOvermenuElem(false, this,'','p_lt_ctl01_cmsmenu_menuElem','','','','','');this.className='horizontalCMSMenuItemMouseOver';" onmouseout="skm_mousedOutMenu('p_lt_ctl01_cmsmenu_menuElem', this, '','horizontalCMSMenuItem','','','','','');" style="cursor:pointer;">Navigation Properts Menu Caption</td>
<!-- Content -->
<div class="zoneMainContent">

<!-- Top info -->
<div class="zoneTopInfo">
<div id="mainHeader">

<!-- Content container -->
<div class="mainDiv">
<!-- Menu -->
<div class="zoneMenu">
<div class="horizontalmenu"><div id="p_lt_ctl02_PagePlaceholder_p_lt_ctl01_cmsmenu_menuElem_table">
<table class="horizontalCMSMenu" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="p_lt_ctl02_PagePlaceholder_p_lt_ctl01_cmsmenu_menuElem" style="border-collapse:collapse;z-index:1000;">
<td class="horizontalCMSMenuItem" id="p_lt_ctl02_PagePlaceholder_p_lt_ctl01_cmsmenu_menuElem-000" onclick="CSubmenuElem1('/medicalert.ca-2013/en/Products-List');" onmousedown="this.className='horizontalCMSMenuItemMouseDown';" onmouseup="this.className='horizontalCMSMenuItemMouseUp';" onmouseover="MOvermenuElem1(false, this,'','p_lt_ctl02_PagePlaceholder_p_lt_ctl01_cmsmenu_menuElem','','','','','');this.className='horizontalCMSMenuItemMouseOver';" onmouseout="skm_mousedOutMenu('p_lt_ctl02_PagePlaceholder_p_lt_ctl01_cmsmenu_menuElem', this, '','horizontalCMSMenuItem','','','','','');" style="cursor:pointer;">Navigation Properts Menu Caption</td>
<!-- Content -->
<div class="zoneMainContent">

<div style="clear:both;line-height:0px;height:0px;" ></div>
<!-- Bottom zone -->
<div class="zoneBottom">

<!-- Footer zone -->
<div class="zoneFooter">
<div id="footer">

<div style="clear:both;line-height:0px;height:0px;" ></div>
<!-- Bottom zone -->
<div class="zoneBottom">

<!-- Footer zone -->
<div class="zoneFooter">
<div id="footer">


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 2/12/2013 1:46:24 AM

What is the visual inheritance of the page template for the document, where it is displayed twice?

Your template definition looks good. I think that the visual inheritance is not OK.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Kentico Legend
Kentico Legend
Brenden Kehren - 2/7/2013 8:14:07 AM
The default text you enter in the webpart properties will be overridden if text is entered in Page view by a content editor. Have you looked at the source of the textbox? There could be text in there but maybe some CSS is causing it not to show?