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mpatti-sherwood-group - 1/31/2013 3:55:05 PM
Intranet Portal - Home page web parts question
I'm using the Intranet Page templates on a site I'm creating so that I can set up private communities.

I've modeled the structure of the Department section of my site to match that of the sample Intranet site that comes with Kentico 7.

The structure is:

User image

All is working fine, except for the department homepage. Even though I have set up news items, blogs, calendar items specific to that department (as shown at the left side of this screenshot, it is not displaying those items on the department homepage itself (as shown on the right side):

User image

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, so any pointers would be appreciated.


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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
richards@kentico.com - 2/1/2013 3:38:10 AM
RE:Intranet Portal - Home page web parts question

could you please check the properties of webparts on your department page and take a look at the Path atribute? It looks like the news and blogs are not properly loaded because you are accessing it with wrong path.

Best regards,
Richard Sustek

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mpatti-sherwood-group - 2/1/2013 8:02:21 AM
RE:Intranet Portal - Home page web parts question
Hi Richard,

Thanks for the reply. My first thought was to check the path attribute, but the objects that are not working properly are widgets rather than web parts, and the path attribute is not available (at least from within the design view). The attributes available to me for the Department_LatestNews, Department_LatestBlogs, Department_ForumPosts, and Department_UpcomingMeetings widgets are:

1) Select top N documents:
2) Widget Container
3) Widget Container Title

With Web parts, I can adjust the path by setting it to {%cmscontext.currentdepartment.nodealiaspath%}/News/%, but that attribute just doesn't seem to exist for these widgets.

I might be looking in the wrong location, though. Is there a way to set the path for all the widgets on a page?


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mpatti-sherwood-group - 2/1/2013 5:25:11 PM
RE:Intranet Portal - Home page web parts question
I was finally able to get the widgets to work properly in different departments, but it required creating a copy of the Intranet - Department Homepage template, using that for the template homepage, and then applying that template to the other department homepages.

I was also noticing that after I did that, the design view for a particular department's homepage would show items posted to that department, but when I went to the page view, those items would not display UNTIL I clicked the 'reset to default' button. Some odd caching going on between the views.

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
richards@kentico.com - 2/6/2013 12:58:42 AM
RE:Intranet Portal - Home page web parts question

I'm glad you figured it out, sorry we couldnt get to you sooner - overwhelmed by tickets. Also thank you for posting up the solution, this may be very helpful.

Best regards,
Richard Sustek