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Version 7.x > Portal EngineHow to display a confirmation page before submit a Bizform? View modes: 
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Certified Developer 11
Certified Developer 11
acido - 1/30/2013 8:57:35 AM
How to display a confirmation page before submit a Bizform?
Hi friends,

I'm trying to implement a confirmation page before submit the Bizform, is that possible on Kentico 7? or any workaround or idea?

The confirmation page will show the input values, as labels only, they review what they want to submit and then just click on button "confirm"

any idea is always welcome.

Thanks in advance.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 2/5/2013 2:23:09 AM
RE:How to display a confirmation page before submit a Bizform?

This is quite a specific need - there is no setting for this. However, you can use some custom javascript code to achieve your need - once the last field is filled out, the dialog will pop-up to submit the values.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Certified Marketer 12
Ilesh Mistry (MMT Digital's K-Team) - 2/5/2013 5:19:49 AM
RE:How to display a confirmation page before submit a Bizform?

One option is to update the Kentico Biz Form code (copy code if further forms do not need to use this same process), so that when the button is clicked, it would validate the fields using Kentico's code.
If all fields pass validation, then instead of submitting the form, it hides the submit button using JS or CSS or C# and stops submission process. So in the code just before it is ready to submit, don't allow it to submit, but show another button.

Then you could disable the fields/grey them out/show a Div on top with the information etc... using either JS or .net, show the new button, once clicked, it would trigger the submit process for the form (complete the code to submit).

I would hope there would be a nicer way to do this, but hope it helps.


Ilesh Mistry from MMT Digital's K-Team
Kentico Certified Developer